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Allegiant Airlines Cancellation and Refund Policy

Sometimes you may want to cancel or make a change in your flight ticket. But we know that canceling or changing your flight reservation is not so an easy task on a normal day. During this pandemic, knowing Cancellation and the Latest Refund Policy on a flight has become important because you don’t know when you would want to cancel your booking for a particular airline. Having one of the cheapest airfare among all the airlines flying from America, Allegiant makes sure that charges asked for cancellation must be affordable or even free in the pandemic.

Here we are providing all the information about the Allegiant airlines cancellation and the latest refund policy. Hope it will help you to know the facts related to that.

Here are all the details related to the following services that are being given to you by the Airline itself. In case these services are not enough for you or you still have problems related to getting all the services right, Call us on +1-800-831-1547 or get our services directly through our website i.e Our call center executives will be happy to help you out.

Allegiant airlines cancellation policy

If you have done your reservation with the extra services, like a hotel, car, voucher, or promotional code, then the Allegiant Customer Support team will contact you. You may also contact them directly at 702-505-8888 or via their official customer support E-mail.

In order to process your request regarding changing or canceling your flight, you need to provide your confirmation code with your email address (should be the same as your reservation) and whether you want to change or cancel your trip. If you want to change the pre-reserved dates of your reservation, you can change it with the New Dates.

Make a note, the airport ticket counter staff is not able to do any change or cancel your flight reservation.

Allegiant Airlines Cancellation & Change Policy

Allegiant Airlines will not give a refund or credit for any price differences, change or cancel the flight within a week of departure schedule. If you have reserved your flight under TripFlex, you can make a change or cancel your flight without paying any extra charges.

The TripFlex service is given by an airline that provides flexibility to change and cancel your flight reservation without bearing any charges. It is available for only one-time usage. If you used it once, then you will bear the charges of future change or cancellation as your travel will be considered without TripFlex.

If the cancellation is made after the specified time or fare difference after the airline reservation, you are not eligible for any credits or refunds. Otherwise, you will receive your credit amount after charging cancellation fees, carrier charges, and booking fees.

  • This credited amount will be a non-refundable, non-transferable credit voucher for future travel.
  • If your credit voucher is issued between Jan 01 & June 31, 2021, then your trip must be completed within two years of the date of your first airline reservation.
  • If your credit voucher is issued on or after July 01, 2021, then your travel must be completed within a year of the date of your canceled reservation.

With TripFlex:

If your airline reservation is with TripFlex, then you do not need to pay any charges at the time of change or cancel your reservation.

You may cancel your TripFlex only within 24-Hours of booking, no changes are provided to your travel. If you cancel your TripFlex through Allegiant Air Customer Care, then you will eligible to receive your refunds. If you cancel it online, then you will receive a non-refundable and non-transferable voucher. You can use it for your future travel with Allegiant Airlines.

  • Air ticket portion cancellation must be completed one hour before departure of the flight, plus other remaining package things will automatically be forfeited such as Hotel, Car, etc. The airline keeps the cost of TripFlex, carrier charges, & booking charges.
  • If your reservation is in the vacation package, then your changes must be completed at least seventy-two hours (72 hours) before the departure of the flight. Other remaining features also change with increment in fare, hotel, etc. If the price differences are paid, then original flight changes may be eligible for the credit but that difference will be non-refundable.
  • If you want to cancel your full vacation package, then you will have to cancel it at least seventy-two hours (72 hours) before the flight departure schedule. The airline keeps the cost of TripFlex, carrier charges, & booking charges.
  • If your qualified trip is canceled, then the credit will be issued in the form of a non-refundable & non-transferable voucher that can be used for your future travel. The voucher will expire after one or two years as per your cancelation dates. The voucher’s validity will not extend.

Without TripFlex:

If your reservation is without TripFlex, then you will have to pay the charges according to the Allegiant Airlines cancellation and refund policy:

  • If you want to make any change or cancel your reservation, then it should be done at least seven 7 or more days before the departure of the flight.
  • Airlines have reduced their canceling and changing fees to 25$ per person/per flight. The flight should be a one-way flight (one takeoff & one landing). This reduction is for a temporary period. If the price differences are paid, then original flight changes may be eligible for the credit but that difference will be non-refundable.
    • Due to the COVID-19, Allegiant Airlines provides flexibility to their customer. If your reservation is done after 12 AM on May 01, 2021, then the change fee is temporarily reduced to 25$ per person/per flight. Allegiant Airlines continue this till further notice.
  • Cancel your full trip are subject to pay all charges plus the airline keeps booking and carrier charges.
  • If your qualified trip is canceled, then the credit will be issued in the form of a non-refundable & non-transferable voucher that can be used for your future travel. The voucher will expire after one or two years as per your cancelation dates. Air ticket portion cancellation must be completed one hour before departure of the flight, plus other remaining package things will automatically be forfeited such as Hotel, Car, etc. The airline keeps the cost of TripFlex, carrier charges, & booking charges.
  • If your reservation is in the vacation package, then your changes must be completed at least seventy-two hours (72 hours) before the departure of the flight. Other remaining features also change with increment in fare, hotel, etc. If the price differences are paid, then original flight changes may be eligible for the credit but that difference will be non-refundable.
  • If you want to cancel your full vacation package, then you will have to cancel it at least seventy-two hours (72 hours) before the flight departure schedule. The airline keeps the cost of TripFlex, carrier charges, & booking charges.
  • If your qualified trip is canceled, then the credit will be issued in the form of a non-refundable & non-transferable voucher that can be used for your future travel. The voucher will expire after one or two years as per your cancelation dates. The voucher’s validity will not extend.

Note:- All the changes in the price of airline fare, hotel, car rental, etc have to bear by the passenger only.

Allegiant’s 24-Hours Cancellation Policy:

The passenger is able to cancel his flight reservation within 24-Hours of the original booking and get a full refund of your Allegiant Airlines cancellation which means cancel your ticket free of cost. Two things you need to consider before the cancellation:

  • The flight departure schedule must be after one week (168 hours) or more at the time of reservation.
  • Your purchased reservation should not the part of that package, which contains air and ground elements.

For cancellation, you can use the following options:

  • You can rebook your flight to another scheduled Allegiant flight for free. You may be charged or credited due to the difference in fares.
  • You can cancel your reservation and get full credit in the form of Allegiant coupons for future travel, valid for two years from the date of initial booking.

If the passenger fails to cancel the reservation within the given period of time (within the specified time before the departure schedule of the flight), the refund amount will not be issued. Your whole fare amount and charges of the flight segment will be forfeited.

How to Cancel Allegiant Ticket Online

The steps of canceling or changing your flight reservation are quite easy. You just need to follow these simple steps to cancel or change your flight.

Step 1:- Visit the official website of “Allegiant” or “”.

Step 2:- Second, Tap on “Manage trip”.

There are three methods are given below to access your travel:

1* By Confirmation Code

  • Step 3:- Put your details in a given blanked place such as the “First Name“, “Last Name“, & “Confirmation Code“.
  • Step 4:- Tap on “Find My Trip“.
  • Step 5:- Now you will see many options over there. Select “Cancel or change flight”.

2* By E-mail

  • Step 3:- Put your “E-mail Address” & “Password” in Provided space.
  • Step 4:- Tap on “Find My Trip“.
  • Step 5:- After that, Just proceed with the given command.

3* By Credit & Debit Card

  • Step 3:- Fill out the form containing “Passengers’ First Name“, “Passengers’ Last Name“, “Departure Date“, & “the last 4-digit of Credit/Debit Card” that you used at the time of payment.
  • Step 4:- Click “Find My Trip”.
  • Step 5:- Choose your preferred option of Change or Cancel your reservation.

How to Check refund eligibility and get a refund on ticket

At the time of changing plans, customers want to reschedule their flight or want a refund if they planned to not continue their rescheduling then in this case they want their refund. But Allegiant airlines have followed some norms according to their Refund policy. In some cases, they give a full refund and in some cases, they allow a partial refund. So, here we discuss some refund policies of the Allegiant policies and how to get maximum benefit.

  • Make sure you are going to cancel your ticket within 24 hours of booking so that you are eligible to get full refunds.
  • If you are going to make changes to your ticket and the price of the new ticket is lower than the original ticket then your balance money is not refundable. That amount will transfer into a travel voucher which you can use on future journeys.
  • If the flight is canceled due to technical faults and the bad weather then Allegiant airlines take the responsibility of arranging new flight or refunding of full amount.
  • Passengers request refunds at the official website of the allegiant airlines or by making calls to the customer helpline number where the expert executives are informed about all details regarding your ticket whether it is eligible or not.
  • The refunds process will take time and it will be processed within 5 to 7 working days and the refund of money in the same mode of payments.

Not only this if you are feeling any such query related to Allegiant Airlines reservation, flights, or ticket booking or cancellation tips you must feel free to contact Treknova. We are always available to answer your problems and questions 24*7 at our toll-free number +1-800-831-1547. You can easily make reservations and also manage booking of the airline. .

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