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Best College Student Travel Programs 2023

As a student, you have the most energy in the world. You are young and thirsty to see the world and all the places it has to offer. However, as it usually happens, funds are very limited, and the part-time job you may have is just enough to cover your study expenses. For this reason, many students join travel programs and volunteer or learn abroad.

Students Travel Programs

Who Are Travel Programs for?

Some of these programs are even paid, and they are available to all interested students. If you would like to visit Africa, Asia, or other exotic countries, they are the perfect place to start. These programs are available to all students who can put aside an entire summer and go travel the world. So, you can pay for research paper to be written for you and embark on a journey of your life. Here, we will cover student travel programs for students from the US, plus one program for European and Asian students who want to travel to the US.

Student Travel Programs 2023

Work and Travel

Work and Travel is a program that is available to European and Asian students who would like to explore the US. The program is 3-4 months long, and it entails 2-3 months of working in restaurants, cafes, or hotels and one additional month that you can spend traveling throughout the US. If interested, you should know that this program is the perfect chance to learn and perfect your English language, as well as meet tons of interesting people from all over the world.

Missionary Programs

Missionary programs aim at spreading the word of God throughout the world. Mostly aimed at Africa, these programs are a great chance for you to meet people your age and learn about foreign cultures. An entire paid summer vacation in Africa? We’re in, and we’re waiting for you to join us.

Teacher Volunteer Travel Programs

If you have a particular skill that you would like to share with others or speak a language that is sought after in another part of the world, then the teacher volunteer travel programs are the perfect chance to go and explore the world. These programs take students to various parts of Africa and developing countries in Asia, where they teach entire classes or help their teachers organize the classroom. Programs of this kind are very popular, and many students return year after year.

Medical Students Volunteer Programs

Medical volunteer programs are exactly what they seem to be – a perfect chance for you to go and practice what you’ve learned in a new country. The countries that you can expect to travel to are mostly developing countries. You cannot expect to be given a scalpel exactly, as you will mostly be administering medicine and taking care of patients as an assistant rather than as a doctor. Nevertheless, the program offers a great opportunity to practice what you have learned and to ensure a more critical approach to your studies.

Childcare / Au Pair Programs

Childcare or Au Pair Programs offer students a chance to travel abroad and learn a foreign language. Lasting anywhere from several months to 2 years, these programs are often taken by students who would like to perfect their language abilities. There is a lot of demand for au pair students in France, so if the French language is something you like and would like to perfect, this type of program is the perfect chance to master this romantic language.

Word of Caution

When you travel abroad, you should ensure your own safety. Every country has different laws and regulations, and you will be expected to abide by these laws. Many European students traveling to the US find out about the legal drinking age of 21 in the States the hard way. Far from simple travel tips, this guide is supposed to present a basic guide to different kinds of volunteer programs available for students. This being said, you should ask about program specificities at your university.

Students Traveling Programe


Traveling is one of the best ways to spend your summer holidays. Traveling abroad and expanding on your skill set is probably the best thing to do in your 20s. Ask around and pay a visit to the Dean of International Cooperation – they should have the best information and recommendation for you.

Michael Carr

Michael Carr loves traveling and staying in touch with both of the languages he speaks. Being bilingual gives him an unfair advantage when traveling and exploring the world around him. For this reason, he is very knowledgeable and would love to see the entire world one day.

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