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Caribbean Airlines Baggage Policy

In this article, we will discuss the Caribbean Airlines Baggage Policy but before that take a brief about the airlines. Caribbean Airlines, starting flight procedure on 01 January 2007 with 128 weeks after week takeoffs to 10 business sectors working five Boeing 737-800 airplane. Caribbean Airlines started improving single-direction passages comprehensive of expenses and charges that gave adaptable toll mixes and long visit choices. The new toll program additionally highlighted a lasting limited charge, senior resident limits, and no change expenses for understudies. We dispatched a Web registration highlight permitting travelers to check-in for flights and print tickets from the solace of their homes, workplaces, or anyplace with a web association.

Caribbean Airlines added in excess of twelve airline stewards from all through the Caribbean district to its positions. The enrollment from other CARICOM countries demonstrated the aircraft’s obligation to be the carrier for the entire Caribbean. Demonstrating its adaptability and obligation to meeting provincial travel needs, Caribbean Airlines likewise rented an extra Boeing 737-800 to expand the number of trips to its business sectors to give more alternatives to our clients to accumulate with loved ones around the globe.

Caribbean Airlines works in excess of 600 weeks after week trips to 19 objections in the Caribbean, North, and South America. Settled in Trinidad and Tobago, and with an operational base in Jamaica, Caribbean Airlines utilizes in excess of 1600 individuals. The aircraft is an individual from the International Air Transport Association (IATA).

About Caribbean Airlines  Baggage Policy

The aircraft, the things stipend is the measure of checked stuff or hand/portable gear the organization will permit per traveler. There might be limits on the sum that is permitted gratis and hard cutoff points on the sum that is permitted. The cutoff points change per aircraft and rely upon the class, tip-top status, kind of ticket, flight root, and objective. On the off chance that a flight is reserved along with another flight, it might likewise have various cutoff points (for example in the event that another trip on a similar ticket is a long stretch flight). The specific stuff conditions are referenced in the ticket data on the web.

The Caribbean Airlines things strategy for normal essential admissions incorporate the accompanying: 

Portable stuff. 

1 individual thing/1 portable thing 

Handled stuff/Hold baggage – Applicable expenses per pack increment with number checked 

Overweight and Oversize packs – Applicable charges per sack contingent upon weight and size classes 

Athletic gear – Certain things may have material charges

Carry on Baggage Policy

Caribbean Airlines permits 1 lightweight suitcase and 1 individual thing (handbag, folder case, PC pack) per traveler expense-free. 

Carry-on ought not to surpass the accompanying size and weight limitations: 

Most extreme weight: 10kg/22lb 

Most extreme direct measurements: (L+W+H) 114cm/45in 

The individual thing ought not to surpass the accompanying size and weight limitations: 

Greatest direct measurements should not surpass 91cm/36in 

Caribbean Airlines standard handled stuff/hold gear strategy subtleties follow: 

The course and kind of admission you book decide the number of free handled packs you will get. 

Most extreme weight: 23kg/50lb 

Most extreme straight measurements: 157cm/62in

Fees for Baggage on Caribbean Airlines 

Charges may apply. They are dictated by the kind of admission you buy, your objective, on the off chance that you are functioning or resigned military staff, on the off chance that you have status with Caribbean Airlines long-standing customer program, status with a subsidiary transporter, or on the off chance that you have a Caribbean Airlines supported credit/charge card. 

Caribbean Airlines standard processed things/hold gear expenses follow: 

First pack: free 

Second pack (homegrown): TTD 3.00/kg 

Second sack (global): free

Fees for sports equipment on Caribbean Airline 

Caribbean Airlines permit specific sorts of sporting gear and instruments, which may shape a piece of your free checked things stipend. The greatest weight permitted per thing is 23kg (50lb) with a most extreme component of 157cm (62 in). Curiously large sporting gear and instruments will be allowed as abundance stuff on a backup premise, at the relevant overabundance things charge.

Restricted Item 

Risky Goods are articles or substances that are equipped for representing a peril to wellbeing, security, property, or the climate. The carriage of these materials via air transport is carefully directed. 

Our acknowledgment of risky merchandise is as per International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Technical Instructions and International Air Transport Association (IATA) Dangerous Goods Regulations and all material homegrown and global standards and guidelines will apply. 

You are carefully prohibited to convey the accompanying things in your lightweight suitcase, checked stuff, or with the rest of your personal effects on both International and Domestic flights: 

Security attaché case, money boxes, money sacks, and so on, which may contain lithium batteries as well as pyrotechnic materials besides as allowed in of the IATA DGR 

Handicapping gadgets, for example, mace, pepper shower, and so on, contain an aggravation or crippling substance. 

Fluid oxygen canisters. 

Electroshock weapons. 

Light up anyplace matches 

The blue fire or stogie lighters and Lithium Battery-Powered Lighters 

Little vehicles controlled by lithium batteries 


smaller than usual segways 

balance wheels

What to do when you Left your personal item on Flight or  Your luggage is missing?

Home Baggage Items Left On Your Flight 

On the off chance that you have left a thing on your flight, you may Email Us. If you don’t mind give an itemized portrayal of the lost things alongside your seat task. 

We will send you an email to inform you as to whether your thing is found or in case we can’t find it. In the event that we’ve discovered your thing, we’ll give basic guidelines on how you can recover it. 

For articles left at a TSA security checkpoint, kindly contact the TSA at 1-866-289-9673 or 

For articles left at other air terminal security checkpoints, if you don’t mind contact that Airport’s Lost and Found Office for help

In the event that your checked-in stuff doesn’t show up with you at the air terminal, it would be ideal if you find a Caribbean Airlines Representative and inform them concerning the circumstance. You should deliver your ticket and ticket as the stuff recognizable proof sticker/number is set on this report. This will help in following the sack’s whereabouts. You will likewise be needed to finish and sign a Property Irregularity Report (PIR) Form. Kindly note that this should be done prior to leaving the air terminal. Caribbean Airlines will do all that could be within reach to have your things gotten back to you within 48 hours. 

In the event that the bag(s) have been deferred you will be offered two alternatives: 

To have the bag(s) conveyed to your home 

Re-visitation of the air terminal to gather your bag(s) 


You should finish and sign a Passenger Declaration Form, exhorting Customs that Caribbean Airlines has been allowed to clear the bag(s) for your benefit. The Airline workforce can clear your bag(s) just if the substance is non-dutiable. In this example, the bag(s) will be shipped off the location given, without charge. 

In the event that the substance is considered dutiable by Customs, you will be needed to go to the air terminal to clear your own bag(s). On the off chance that you decide to re-visitation of the air terminal to gather your sack, you will be repaid for your movement costs (according to Caribbean Airlines organization strategy).

On the off chance that your things have not been situated inside 7 days, a case ought to be recorded with the Airline. Now, an optional pursuit will be started. You will be reached quickly should we be effective in finding your things. Then again, if our endeavors are without much of any result, your case will be gotten a comfortable understanding with the pertinent worldwide shows. You can also check out their official site for 

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