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Fiji Airways Cancellation & Refund Policies

Fiji Airways Cancellation and refunds policies are not so rigid, you can understand the policies of Fiji Airways as we are providing you the information and updates regarding cancellations and refunds. There are steps that help you to understand all the processes step by step. It only prescribed cancellation fees for both domestic and international flights.

If you are booked a ticket with Fiji Airways and want to cancel your tickets or may change your flight you can easily go to the website of Fiji Airways and then move to the Fiji Airways Cancellation policies. You will find all the possible processes over there at your fingertips. You can easily cancel your ticket online by filling out the form. But you need to inform Fiji Airways about the cancellation in the 7-10 working days you will get notified about the cancellations.

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How the Fiji Systems Work: Cancellation & Refunds

If you booked your ticket through Fiji Airways, reservations by the website, telephone, ticket counter, or by any agents, Fiji allows you to cancel your tickets whenever you want to cancel without any extra charges or penalties. And we will provide you 100% refund of the money. Fiji Airways gives you the option for cancellation without any hassle, Any passenger who wants to cancel a ticket can make a request to Fiji Airways about the refunds online by filling out a refund form available on the official site of Fiji Airways. Refund is only for those who recently booked their tickets, not after the expiry of the ticket. Make sure only genuine requests will be accepted by Fiji Airways.

How can I cancel my Flight on Fiji Airways? ( Fiji Airways Cancellation and refunds)

If you have already booked your ticket with Fiji Airways but because of some issues you want to cancel or rebook your ticket. So basically there are two options which go for cancellations are:- through Online or Telephone. Literally, you have to visit the official site of Fiji Airways or you have to go by telephone.  Things that you will need for cancellation are a flight confirmation number or provided to the aviation executive to begin the cancellation process immediately. 

There are some steps involved during Cancellation:-

Online Cancellation

  • First, you need to open the official website of Fiji Airways and log in with your Id and password, and hit on the yellow “login” button. In case you forgot your credential, there will be an option of needing help. Click on it and follow the steps to get the credentials.
  • If you don’t have an account on Fiji Airways, let it be you can skip the options, and move to the page of Fiji Airways Cancellations web page. There you need to put your information and then enter. But sign-up is recommended because it is helpful in the future for making changes or any other flight-related issues.
  • Click on the Manage tab present at the top of the homepage. just click on this tab, then some option will show downline the manage tab where you can see the “manage you booking” link. Just click on this. This tab will redirect you to many links and options. Click on ‘Manage Fiji Airways reservations
  • Click on the ‘Fiji Airways Cancel Reservations’ link.
  • You will get a pop message on your desktop screen for the confirmation number, first name, and last name. Fill in the given info and click continue
  • If you booked a round trip, make sure you cancel all the trips. Otherwise, you will not be able to claim Fiji Airways for this.
  • In the last, you will find a button on the Fiji Airways Cancellation web page, move there and click on Cancel my Reservation.

Cancellation through call:-

  • First, you need to call the Fiji Airways department, there you need to ask for the cancellation of the ticket.
  • Tell the Aviation executive that you want to cancel your ticket because of some reason or whatever will be your reason.
  • Now you can check your air ticket refund option.

Cancel your Air ticket by the airport:-

  • First, you need to go to the airport, where you have chosen to board the flight
  • Secondly, you have to visit the Air Ticket Office of Fiji Airways
  • Now you can talk to the aviation executive face to face about the cancellations of the ticket by giving him/her the reason for cancellation and getting your money refunded to your account. 

Conditions:- if any passenger cancels the Fiji flight a few hours before the departure of the flight and this flight has been booked for more than a week, then the passenger needs to give the penalty to Fiji Airways.  

Fiji Airways Flight  Cancellation Charges:-

Cancellation of tickets depends on the fare type of the tickets and the route you book prior. There are different ways by which fees will be charged to you. For more information you can go to the official page of Fiji Airways and there you will have a helpline number, call and get further information directly from the Fiji Airways helpline.

24-hour policy:- Fiji has introduced a policy of cancellation that if you cancel your ticket within 24 hours of purchase no charges will impose on you. If in case 24 hours exceeds the time of purchase you need to pay according to the route and fare type of the tickets you booked. Here you can get a full refund after cancellation.

If you are traveling in a group then you may fill out the refund form for the group ticket. The cancellation request has to be made through a written application.

The refund amount

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