Travelling is a part of life which is sometimes necessary, sometimes urgent, some times for fun and so on. Whatever is the reason for travelling, you need to consider booking tickets for the cheapest days to fly if and in case your trip is planned in advance.
Here we are to find out what can be the possibilities for flying in the cheapest possible way. Flight cost fluctuates according to the seasons, festivals, weather, and even the airlines we select or whether the flight is going to be direct, or non-stop, classes of the flight.
Therefore before getting to the cheapest days to fly, you need to know about your priority for the trip first and after listing down your priority, it’s time to go for cheap flights.
How to find the cheapest days to fly
Different airlines have different fares. some people are trusting their favorite airlines that always provides the best and low flight ticket deals which can’t be true. And yes sometimes some airlines are offering better fares but that can’t be permanent. While trying to get the cheapest rate, it’s better to compare airlines to airlines. Maybe some of them have special offers and you just didn’t get the deal. We are here to check the seasons in which we can get better offers.
Cheapest Days to Fly in Winter
For the USA & Canada, the cheapest fares are from Jan. 7 to Feb. 28/29. For the Cheapest single travel day check Jan. 21. Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays are considered the best days of the week to fly. To avoid higher rates, you should not travel on Feb 14 to 17 due to the valentine’s and president’s day weekend.
For travel to Europe, the cheapest fares are from Jan22 to March 25th. And the cheapest days to fly are Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
As a matter of fact, Jan and Feb are the best for the cheapest days to fly to Europe.
Cheapest Days to Fly in Spring
For the USA and Canada, the best days to fly are in the months of March and April, during Tuesdays and Wednesdays and in contrast, the most expensive days in March and April are Fridays and Sundays.
For the Europe flight price is hiked 3 times once on 26th March, the second is May 14 and the last and largest is 2nd June.
The best way to get the cheapest days to fly to Europe is to plan for the earlier days of spring.
Cheapest Days to Fly in Summer and Autumn
For the USA and Canada, prices increase on the 4th and 22nd of June while on the 25th Aug prices start to decrease. The cheapest days to fly starting in early to mid-September, especially for flights on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
For traveling Europe, first on 2nd June prices increase and on 15 July is getting cheaper by 11 Aug is reducing even more. And the final drop is on 11 Sept.
Overall, Flying n summer is expensive but in Europe, prices are coming down before USA Prices.
Cheapest days to fly international
- One of the cheapest days to buy an international flight is on Thursday. There are around 900 separate routes offering reductions to the tune of $25 at that time. While only 400 routes are showing discounts on their flight on weekends which means 50% chances are less to have the cheapest days to fly during Saturdays and Sundays.
- The cheapest day to fly internationally is considered Wednesday. There is a possible reduction of the flight prices to $60 on Wednesdays. This means there will be $60
Saving for returning or departure on Wednesdays for fliers.
Cheap same-day flights
International flights have cheaper same days flights than domestic flights. Earlier they were calling it a walk-up fare because to book these tickets you needed to go to the airport’s ticket counter and book your same-day flight. But lately, they have changed this rule. So if you want to fly anytime sooner than 2 to 3 hours, then you are able to reserve and book your flight, the way you do for the other itinerary.
Some myth says that same-day flight is considered to be expensive but as a matter of fact, you can book the cheapest ticket considering which airline and place you are planning to fly.
The cheapest days to buy plane tickets
In the U.S. the cheap days for domestic flights are Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday are usually cheapest. as a concern to international flights, weekdays are usually cheaper than weekends. Fridays and Sundays are more costly, especially in the U.S.

Apparently, the best time for booking a ticket in the U.S said to be on Tuesdays around 3 pm eastern time. This is because most of the airlines are releasing their sale on Tuesday which causes competition among airlines to match prices. That’s the main motto for considering Tuesday a better day to buy deals.
Still, every travel agency has a different opinion about the best days to buy tickets. So it’s better to say weekdays are cheaper flight tickets because traveling during a weekday is more inconvenient.
Best time to get cheap flights
Pick up a time for your flight when most people don’t, like overnights, flights during dinner or lunch, and dawn.
Cheapest international and domestic airlines

For estimating which airlines are offering the cheapest days to fly, is required to check the economic class air fairs during the two months time frame. For the USA there is provided a list below for inexpensive flights.
As per International flights following is the list of the cheapest international airlines:
Tips for finding the cheapest flights
In the following table, the cheapest Airlines to fly in the USA is listed.
Rank | Airline | Cost per Mile |
1 | Spirit Airlines | $0.209 |
2 | Frontier Airlines | $0.225 |
3 | Hawaiian Airlines | $0.257 |
4 | Allegiant Air | $0.322 |
4 | Sun Country Airlines | $0.322 |
6 | Alaska Airlines | $0.338 |
7 | JetBlue Airways | $0.402 |
8 | American Airlines | $0.418 |
9 | United Airlines | $0.451 |
10 | Southwest Airlines | $0.467 |
- Book your tickets on an average of 3 months and 30 days in advance. For the international flight, it should be five and a half months and one and a half months before the departure.
- You can always find a better deal on connecting flights. This means before booking the flight check the difference between connecting and non-connecting, if it is worth for money go for connecting flight.
- Keep searching, while you get the habit of searching you get the idea about the hikes and owns of the flight fares which helps us to grab the deal once necessary.
- Be flexible, always tickets cant be cheap at the time of your traveling. You need to be flexible to get a better deal.
- Go for offers. Sometimes the cheapest days to fly is the exact day that you are choosing to travel. You need to check different travel agencies and online websites to get the best offers.
Mostly to know about the cheapest days to fly, you need experience and some analysis to keep checking the flight’s schedule, and their fare per season, festivals, and normal days.
here we tried to provide you with a glimpse of information that may help you. Hope you find it informative enough. If you are having some different experience or additional knowledge please share us with your comments.
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