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The Cheapest Travel Destinations in the World

Holidaymakers are always keen on visiting places which make them feel relaxed and are not very expensive, too. Be it a holiday season, school/college/university break, or just taking a few days off from work to spend time with family and friends, everyone needs it.

However, due to the ongoing coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic since early 2020, things have changed and travelling has been strictly kept to the minimum – only allowed when in urgent situations. Nevertheless, some people do want to travel to different cities, even if it’s for less than a week.

In this travel guide, we will mention a few worldwide destinations that you can travel to at less expense and check the cheap flights on the best travel websites online. The selections here will be based on the grounds, such as transportation, accommodation, and food.

These Places Worldwide Let You Travel on a Budget

Not every city and country is the same. While some may offer beautiful sandy beaches on the coastlines, they also cost more to get there and find accommodation in hotels. On the other hand, there are many cities throughout the world that aren’t expensive to visit and finding accommodation also fits perfectly into your budget.

So, whether you are planning to travel anywhere in Asia, Europe, the Americas, Africa, or the Pacific and Atlantic, there are places that welcome you and let you have the best moments of your life. The places are easily accessible by air, and you can find cheap airfare-cost airline flights to and from such destinations.

Here are a couple of countries/cities which you can add to your travel plan that does not cost much, and you can have a great time, whether you’re travelling solo or with a companion(s).

The names of places listed in this blog are not in any particular order but are picked randomly.


Asia is a vast continent having many countries that not only offer breathtaking landscapes, they also share diverse cuisine, culture, and traditions that dates back to several centuries and are still preserved. Travelling to Asia is a wonderful experience in itself. Also, there are many cities that can be accessed easily and are affordable for any traveller or adventurer/explorer.

These are the best budget places to travel in Asia.


Vietnam in Southeast Asia may look small on the world map, but it has plenty of beautiful travel spots for everyone. Whether you prefer beaches or mountains to your liking, visiting Vietnam will surely give you unforgettable experiences.

A few places in Vietnam that are worth visiting include Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi, Trang An, Ha Giang Province, Sapa Lake, Ha Long Bay, Ninh Binh, Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park, and many more.


Nepal is commonly known for its highest icy mountain peak called Mount Everest, the world’s highest peak.

Aside from housing the world’s highest mountain peak, the country also has many spots that are very welcoming for travellers.


Thailand attracts tourists in large numbers every year. Its beaches and nightlife are the most sought after by visitors. There are other spots worth visiting, too. Thailand stays one of the least expensive occasion objections on the planet. While the southern seashores have many upscale retreats with more exorbitant costs, they address extraordinary worth in case you’re after some extravagance on a careful spending plan. Assuming you’re to a greater degree a spending explorer, you should realize the movement costs in Thailand get lower as you go inland.

Advance toward the northern Chiang Mai area and you’ll be in spending travel paradise. There in the midst of the rice fields, Buddhist sanctuaries and slope clans you can discover probably the best convenience any place.


You’ve most likely known about Angkor Wat, a tremendous sanctuary complex that was previously the core of the antiquated Khmer realm. This rambling site is profoundly worth a visit, particularly on the off chance that you set aside the effort to go past the focal sanctuaries. Be that as it may, there’s a whole other world to Cambodia. Its islands remain enjoyably lacking (for the present) and towns like Kratie along the Mekong River will give you a genuine taste of Asia.


Laos has sparsely mountains covering about 70 percent of the land. This place makes a great paradise for various outdoor activities, such as trekking, kayaking, mountain climbing, zip-lining, and hot air balloons as well. All this at great budget prices.


Indonesia is a beautiful island with beaches, dense forests, wildlife, savannas, volcano, and the vast open ocean. The island country is frequented by tourists from all over the world each year.


Philippines is another island that is worth visiting in your list of budget places. The Philippines has the absolute most delightful sea shores in Southeast Asia. With more than 7000 islands, the Philippines is the spot to go on the off chance that you need to chill on an all around flawless sea shore!

Be that as it may, other than having a lot of untainted coastline, it’s additionally a socially interesting spot, with its blend of Asian and Spanish/US frontier impacts, mind boggling old rice patios in the north, and astonishing nature.


These are the best budget places to travel in Europe.

Baltic States

While not known to many, on the European travel trail, you will track down the three little Baltic territories of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania tucked between the Nordic nations and Russia.

The Baltics may well help you to remember Finland with its numerous forests, peat swamps, lakes, and log lodges painted in dark red. Individuals are correspondingly enamoured with cross-country skiing, saunas, and vodka. One key distinction is that the expenses are only 33% of what you may discover in the Nordics.


Whatever you think Romania is, it presumably isn’t. The tremendous Transylvania locale, specifically, surprises everyone with its adorable middle age towns, antiquated braced chapels, and staggering Carpathian mountain range. It’s really one of my number one objections in Europe.


Georgia is a wonderful country situated in Eastern Europe. Its capital Tbilisi is a cosmopolitan and attracts large number of tourists from around the world. From Tbilisi, you can amaze yourself by the dazzling Caucasian Mountain range, take a dunk in the Black Sea, or visit antiquated peak cloisters (and a couple of them inside caverns) everywhere on the country.

Georgia isn’t only one of Europe’s least expensive, yet in addition among its most intriguing objections. In its offbeat capital, disintegrating façades of conventional wooden Georgian houses remain close to Soviet-time engineering and challenging contemporary plans. The country has many landscapes and travel spots to offer.


Its scenes specked with Soviet-time relics ladas still drive the roads. It may not yet have the more standard allure of adjoining Georgia, however you’ll cherish Armenia in case you’re into places that are off the typical path.

Visiting Armenia during Vardavar is significantly seriously energizing, when the whole city of Yerevan battles each other with water guns, inflatables, and cans. Indeed, even the police and fire detachment participate.


Ukraine is conceivably the least expensive nation to go in Europe. In spite of the fact that there is as yet a stewing struggle with Russia in the easternmost area. However, in the event that you stay away from this far off territory you will find that everything in Ukraine is completely fine.

The beach-front city of Odessa on the Black Sea is an explorer’s top pick, while the delightful city of Lviv (near the Polish line) is fervently tipped as offering probably the best worth in Europe.


Turkey is an intriguing travel objective. Even better, you get about twice as much lira for your Dollar or Euro now than only two years prior.

It will help you to remember what an incredible social objective it is. It is situated among East and West and once home to the Byzantine and Ottoman Empires. You will discover Roman vestiges, cavern urban areas, humming markets, and obviously a lot of Mediterranean Sea shores.


These are the best budget places to travel in the Americas.


Regardless of whether you’re searching for a sea shore occasion or needing to jump into the nearby culture, there is such a huge amount to find in this country.

In case you’re on a strict spending plan, look at Chiapas express: it’s loaded up with wildernesses, cascades, and epic Mayan demolishes, and travel costs are among the most minimal.


Colombia is an astounding nation to travel. It has a smidgen of everything from South America: you have both the Pacific and Atlantic drifts, the Amazon rainforest, and the beginning of the Andes mountain range.

That is not even yet referencing its two humming urban communities in Medellín and Bogota, or the glow of Colombians and its lively culture.


From immense cascades of Iguaçu, to seeing the sound of Rio de Janeiro from the highest point of Sugarloaf mountain, and on the beautiful sea shore towns of the Bahia coast, Brazil is an entire world to investigate, and that is simply featuring a little corner of it.

Despite the fact that its lines are open, and it is less expensive to go there now than it’s been in years, because of a profoundly positive conversion scale.


Cuba was once known as a costly spot when it was centred generally around advancing its state-run lavish inns to high-spending holiday-goers. Nowadays, it tends to be a significant fair deal, particularly when utilizing its colossal organization of family-run Casas Particulares offering reasonable and enchanting neighbourhood convenience.

With none of the ordinary indications of globalization, vintage vehicles actually passing through the roads, also all the rum, sun, and salsa, investing some energy in Cuba is destined to be a one of a kind encounter.


Bolivia is a modest place and travel can be moderate and somewhat awkward. But on the other hand, it’s South America’s definitive modest objective, where you could without much of a stretch make due with about $20 every day. Not just that, Bolivia has a portion of the mainlands’ most astounding sights, for example, the world’s most elevated Lake Titicaca and the stunning and extraordinary salt pads of Salar de Uyuni.

In case you’re a daring voyager and not so handily upset by its distance, at that point you may very well need to put Bolivia at the highest point of your movement list. Relatively few flights fly straightforwardly to Bolivia, however the nation consolidates quite well with Peru, where Lima has numerous cheap international flights with connecting flights.


These are the best budget places to travel in Africa.


Morocco is only a short distance from Europe and very modest to travel. That is, in the event that you figure out how to avoid the pushy sales reps attempting to sell you overrated floor coverings and knick-knacks. On the off chance that you will realise how to go on a tight spending plan, you will see it very simple in Morocco.

In case you’re a hiker, you will be glad to realise Morocco has a developing organisation of explorer inns. In the event that you have somewhat more financial plan, consider remaining in a portion of the beautiful riads, conventional inns with garden patios offering a wonderful help from the humming city roads.

Cape Verde

You might not have known about this little archipelago off the shoreline of Africa, however it is a particularly unimaginable place to visit. Its area and environment make it a particularly incredible winter escape for Europeans.

The island of Sal is known for its cheap bundle occasion resorts, however assuming its way of life or nature that you’re after, it’s really about the island of Santo Antao. You can go climbing and the sceneries are simply incredible.

Cape Verde offers extraordinary incentive for cash, while additionally being protected and created.


For budget-conscious travellers, the best way to make the most of your travel experience and with less expenditure is to choose your destinations wisely. It is no surprise that only a few dollars, pounds, or euros can actually give you so much more.

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