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How to Plan a Perfect Camping Trip

The camping season is just around the corner, so you know what that means! That’s right, it’s time to get your wolf pup camper at the ready and count down the days until your next trip! Of course, camping is enjoyable for everyone, but it’s even better when you have a plan. When you have a plan, you minimize the chances of things going wrong. Less stressful, and more fun.

Of course, when you are not a camping veteran, it can often be challenging to plan the perfect camping trip. You may not know where to start, and you may feel overwhelmed with all of the options out there. Thankfully, we are camping pros, so we can help!

Here’s everything that you need to know about planning the ideal camping trip.

Where Will It Be?

The first thing that you need to think about, above all else, is where you are going to go. The location that you choose can have a huge impact on your experience as a whole. For instance, if you want to truly go off the grid then you’re going to prefer something more private, but if you want to stay somewhere that has attractions and things to do then a different location may be suitable. Your location can impact what kind of camping you are doing too. Tent camping isn’t the only kind out there!

If there are certain things that you must have, such as a functioning and flushing toilet, then perhaps a secluded getaway in the middle of nowhere in the woods is not the right choice for you. You need to think about all of these things before you go. It’s time to get planning! 

Reserve Your Space

You’ve chosen where you’re going, now you need to book your place! Find the right campsite – you can do this by searching online, asking friends, or by speaking to the campground over the phone. Check that the campsite is available when you are planning on going camping. Some places will even allow you to view the available online which can be very helpful when you aren’t quite feeling up to making a phone call! 

The Suitcase – And Its Contents! 

Now that you’ve decided on where you’re going, the next thing to do is to whip out that suitcase and start stuffing it with the things you’re going to need. If you fail to pack all of the things that you need, then you may find that your experience is not as enjoyable as you would like since you are missing vital items. Again, this is another thing that’s going to depend on where you’re going. If you’re staying in the middle of nowhere then you may not have easy access to amenities and groceries, so you need to keep that in mind. 

If you’re going camping then you’re also likely to need to pack more stuff than you would generally need for your average vacation in a hotel. You’re going to need to pack things like sleeping bags, your tent, pillows, sleeping pads, cooking gear and so much more. Then there are things like clothing that you need to consider too.

As such, when you are going camping it is essential that you only bring the things that you need, otherwise you will find yourself severely limited on space. This can be problematic, especially if you are going camping with the whole family! 

Plan Your Activities

When most people go camping, they’re trying to escape from everyday life and experience something new. If you would prefer to sit outside the tent and relax then that’s totally cool! Some people though, want to do and see new things when they go camping. For that reason, it’s always a good idea to do some research into where you’re staying. What sort of things is nearby that you can do? Is there a pool, can you go ziplining? It is worth thinking about where you want to go so you can book your place for an activity in advance so you don’t miss out. It may be a little harder to do when you are actually on vacation since you may be lacking in the internet connection department. Making a plan is important, though it’s good to be flexible too. You may find something cool when you’re out and about that you hadn’t even considered before!

Does Anybody Have A Map?

Before it’s time to depart, it’s a good idea to make sure that you have your directions ready so you know where you’re going. You may be a genius at navigation, but it is unlikely that you’ll know exactly where you’re going on instinct if you’re visiting a new place. You can save a lot of arguments with the person in the passenger seat by printing out some directions or getting a map in advance. It’s best not to rely on a SatNav or your phone for navigation, as you may lose signal and be unable to use it in certain areas. If you are prepared with a backup mode of navigation, you are less likely to find yourself lost in a new place.

What’s for Dinner?

Camping and food go hand in hand, so you may want to do some preparation in advance to ensure that your meals are just as scrumptious as they would be at home! Try and see if there’s anything you can prep in advance, and make sure that you have the food storage available. It can be overwhelming to prepare a menu, but you’ll thank yourself for it.


Now you’re all ready to get going on your camping trip! With a little bit of foresight and preparation, you are sure to have a successful trip that you’ll remember for years to come. Just follow the guidelines listed here and you won’t miss anything. Now, pack that suitcase, step on the gas and get ready for your destination. It’s not long until it’s time to depart! 

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