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4 Important Tips for Moving to NYC

Also known as the big apple or the city that never sleeps, New York City is one of the biggest cities in the world. It’s a robust city harboring cultures from every corner of the world. It has continued to attract thousands of households each year and all who are in the pursuit of a better life. In 2018 alone, for instance, statistics indicated that more than 260,000 people moved to NYC.

This number might have been lower in 2020 when Covid hit the globe hard, which also saw people leave the concrete jungle in large numbers. However, the city is said to be making a decent comeback, with the likes of Manhattan seeming to attract incredible numbers compared to the other four boroughs of NYC.

Moving to New York City

Located in its namesake state, New York City is home to some of the most iconic attractions in America, making it a popular tourist hub. It’s also among the best cities in America for job opportunities.

These, combined with its widely diverse culture, global popularity, and great business environment are perhaps the biggest reasons behind its other nickname, “the city of immigrants”.

But let’s not forget one thing. Moving to New York City doesn’t come without a fair share of challenges. For instance, the prices of homes and apartments here might be different and most probably higher than what you’re used to. Unsurprisingly, the same case applies to things like the cost of living, moving costs, and recreation.

And for what it’s worth, it’s also an incredibly busy city, so you might need to prepare in advance for traffic hustles. Nonetheless, your move and transition can be easier if you’re well informed and prepared, so read on for some crucial tips.

4 Handy Tips to Make Your Move to NYC Smooth

1. Hunt Wisely For An Apartment:

If you are in the initial stages of planning to move to New York City, you should know one important thing. Like most other popular cities around the world, finding an apartment in this big city can be a daunting experience. Rent prices can also be pretty stiff depending on where you choose to live in the city.

However, here are some quick tips to make your search less of a hustle.

Set Up a Budget:

Yes, knowing how much you’ll be paying, whether monthly or annually for your apartment will help you decide which district or borough you need to focus on.

Now, don’t think that rent in the likes of Manhattan or Brooklyn will be cheap as they aren’t anymore. And besides, you are living in one of the most romantic places on the planet! Many people actually consider getting a roommate to keep the rent costs low.

Choose the Right Neighborhood:

This is a decision that will be dictated by your everyday needs. Do you want an apartment closer to your work, school, or park? How about issues to do with security? All these are critical aspects to consider when choosing a neighborhood in NYC.

Also, it is important to start researching the neighborhoods and the apartments available at least a month or two before your moving date, so you get ample time to compare and contrast your options.

And, thankfully, we live in a digital age, right? There are so many websites on the internet with real-time information on apartments you can find in New York City neighborhoods, and in just about any other city you might be interested in moving to. Some of these include the likes of Zillow, RentHop, Streeteasy, Roomi, Zumper, and a long list of others.

Visit the Apartment:

Just because you made a deal with the realtor online shouldn’t be reason enough to forfeit this step. You need to certify in person that the apartment lives up to what the realtor promised. It’s also a chance to inspect if anything needs fixing and whether there are issues that need addressing, such as fumigation.

2. Moving Around In NY

The thing with owning a car in this big city is the parking challenges it represents. Luckily, getting around the city has been made easy by affordable public transportation. The subway trains are operational on a 24/7 basis.

By all means, leave your car at home and avoid the taxi if you are to avoid New York’s rush hour. And if you may, bicycling is also a permitted option in NYC.

3. Bring Your Umbrella

Unlike Houston, Seattle, or Boston, New York receives heavy downpours. In the cold seasons, New York might occasionally receive snowstorms. This has oftentimes seen the city shut down for hours.

To avoid getting drenched while moving around, keep tabs on New York City’s weather forecast, and don’t forget to invest in a quality umbrella. In other words, come prepared for the weather as it can sometimes change unexpectedly!

4. Hire a Moving Company

While the DIY option for tasks such as moving can be affordable, you might not have the skillset or equipment for the job. Now, moving to New York City can be a stressful ordeal. While the simple acts of packing and unpacking might seem easy, there’s a lot that can go wrong.

You might have valuable items that need to be handled with care, pets that should be included in the move, and not to mention your overall load. As one of the most important tips for moving to NY, this makes it crucial to consider checking out moving companies in New York City that will help make your move stress-free.

Choose a mover who understands your needs and is willing to help you relocate without necessarily making you spend an arm and a leg on the move.

Other benefits of hiring an experienced and reputable moving company in NYC include:

  • They have the proper moving equipment
  • They’ll help you get organized
  • They understand the routes
  • They’ll protect your belongings from loss or damage
  • They can make moving a fun endeavor
  • They are experienced in everything that has to do with moving

If you are planning to move to New York City, it pays to decide earlier on which part of the city you are going to live in. This will help you in the planning process as well as in setting up a precise budget.

Also, you need to have an insight into how the move will affect your life, and how you can navigate challenges if any. Hopefully, the above few tips will help make your move to NYC smooth and successful.

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