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Orlando flyers – 5 Top Tips For Vacationing With Children

Planning a trip from Orlando with your kiddies?

If so, these five top tips for vacationing with children will help make your travels run a lot smoother.

1. Explain the trip

When there are too many new things going on, kids get are uncomfortable and are more likely to act out. So save yourself from stress further down the line by talking to your kids about the vacation ahead of time.

You should give them an overview of what will be happening on the trip. This way, they’ll have at least some understanding of their situation at each point of the trip.

You should also use this opportunity to talk about your expectations for behavior during the trip – how they should act on the plane, at the hotel, tourist attractions and other places you’ll encounter.

2. Explore MCO

When you’re traveling with children, everything takes longer than expected – think toilet trips and stopping to buy snacks.

Arriving at the airport early is, therefore, a good idea – with extra time available you can dine at one of the airport restaurants and stop by a shop to buy your children some toys or games to keep them occupied during the flight.

The airport even provides the MCO Official App, which helps you find your way around and is totally kid-friendly.

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3. Give them a say

Just like traveling with friends, it pays if you let everyone have to say in travel plans, so make sure you get your kids involved.

For example, you could let them choose the activities for one day of the trip. They’ll enjoy this sense of control and it will make them more enthusiastic about the holiday as a whole.

4. Keep Track Of Your Children

Keeping track of your children might seem too obvious to mention, but you’d be surprised how easy it is to get so wrapped up in something like buying train tickets in another language that you fail to notice that your child has wandered over to the station candy shop.

If you’re worried about your children toddling off, consider using a small GPS tracker, which you can attach to their shoes or belt. You should also ensure that your children have your contact details to hand, for example, by attaching a contact card to their belt or bag.

5. Drive to MCO

Public transport is the last thing you need when you’ve got a load of luggage and little ones with you, so our advice is to drive to the airport.

Your kids will feel more comfortable in your own vehicle and you can enjoy a more intimate family bonding time as you talk about your exciting vacay plans and pop on that holiday playlist.

Remember to book your parking too – you’ll find affordable parking for MCO Airport on

Follow these five tips and you can look forward to less stress and more fun next time you travel with your children.

What are your tips for traveling with children? Share them in the comments section.

So that was the top tips for vacationing with children. Hope this will be helpful for your next vacation with kids.

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