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7 Top-Rated Tourist Attractions In Jerusalem

Jerusalem has been one of Israel’s most sacred and holy cities since ancient times. This city witnessed many historical events and is also the spiritual capital for all three monotheistic faith (Abrahamic religions) Jews, Christianity, and Muslims. It was invaded and conquered by the different powerful civilizations of the world at various times like Babylonians, Greeks, Ottomans, Persians, Romans, and the British. If you want to visit here then you’ll get many top-rated tourist attractions in Jerusalem, it encompasses not only the historical sites and cultures but nowadays it also attracts young people through modernization. If you want to explore Jerusalem then you can absorb the essence of the city by walking its streets. But it is advisable to wear clothes that cover the knees and elbows that look modestly while visiting religious places.

Best Places to Visit in Jerusalem

Despite its small size, it contains many incredible tourist attractions that mesmerize you while walking on the street all the rulers who invaded this city left their marks. If you want to explore the history and the culture of this city then it is recommended to visit here at least once. Here we’ll list some of the top tourist attractions in Jerusalem.

Jerusalem Western Wall

This is located in the old city of Jerusalem and is also knowns as the wailing wall. It is a sacred place of pilgrimage where Jewish people offer prayer. It is the only piece of the retaining wall that once surrounded the Temple Mount, the location of the First and Second Temples of Jerusalem. The first temple was destroyed by the Babylonians and the second temple was destroyed by the Romans. This wall is split into two sections one for the males and the other for the females and traditionally people here recite their prayers or write their prayers and placed them into the cracks of the walls. The western wall is free for the people and opens 24 hours a day.

Church of The Holy Sepulchre

It is one of the holiest places for Christians because this site is known for the crucifixion of Jesus Christ as well as for burying their body. This church was built by Emperor Constantine who accepted Christianity in the 4th century. Tourists can go to the location and participate in the hymn singing and chanting that happens later in the noon. It will be a memorable experience while entering the church through the ancient stone courtyard. It is a peaceful place to visit.

Israel Museum

It was opened in the year 1965 where you can find the most fantastic collection of history which covers 5000 years back historical events. But the main focus of the Israel Museum is on art and archeology. The Israel Museum finished the most extensive renovation of its 20-acre complex in the summer of 2010, adding new galleries, entrance facilities, and public areas. The Museum’s architecture and surrounding nature were intended to be better experienced by visitors during the three-year enlargement and renewal project, which complemented the Museum’s original design by Alfred Mansfeld and Dora Gad. A unique experience is walking across the old stone courtyard and then entering the church.

Temple Mount

It is the trapezoid-shaped, walled-in area that is located in the southeastern of the old city of Jerusalem. It is the third-most significant location on the island and the holiest place in Judaism because it houses the Al Aqsa Mosque. The First and Second Temples were built in this location. Despite the millennia of violence that have plagued it, strolling around the massive cypress tree-fringed complex’s old limestone pavings is a calm experience. The Dome of the Rock’s famous golden dome sparkling in the sunlight is the highlight here.

Yad Vashem Holocaust Meuseum

When you visit Jerusalem then Yad Vashem is the must-visit place. This was built in memory of the brutally murdered six million people during the second world war. This Genocide is called Holocaust and is made for the remembrance of the next generations. During your tour, you can see all the photos of those who died in during the Holocaust. Here you can see the many audios, videos, and letters of the victims.

Tower of David

The tower of David is also known as the Jerusalem Citadel. It is one of the most important heritage sites located near the Jaffa Gate entrance. It was originally constructed in the 2nd century BC. Although the site was reconstructed over the centuries and now visitors get a unique and amazing 360 – degree view of the whole city of Jerusalem. In addition to this, here you can enjoy the laser light show in the evening which shows you a beautiful presentation of the past and the present through the lights and the sounds.

Mount of Olives

Mount of Olives is just situated next to the old city of Jerusalem which is frequently mentioned in the Bible. Earlier it is covered with the olive groves from where this place gets its name. Today it is used for the Jewish cemetery and holds more than 150,000 graves. In fact, it has been utilized as a Jewish burial ground from the time of the Bible, where some of the most notable monarchs are interred. Today, visitors and locals alike visit the Mount of Olives, which provides one of the greatest views of Jerusalem.

The Augusta Victoria Hospital, the Lutheran Church of the Ascension, and the recognizable 50-meter bell tower are a few of the landmarks that may be seen on the Mount of Olives. There is also the Seven Arches Hotel, the Chapel of the Ascension, the Church of the Pater Noster, and the Russian Orthodox Church of the Ascension, which has a tall and noticeable white bell tower.

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