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Best Places to Travel for Students in the US

Studying in the United States is a good experience for students from inside and outside the country. You will have the opportunity to access the best education. In addition, there are lots of places to explore. Hence, to enjoy your life in college, you will want to travel to various places in the country. In this article, you will learn about the best travel locations for students in the US.

Grand Canyon

This valley provides a glimpse of the history of when the Colorado River used to flow in that section of Arizona. With a length of 440 km and a depth of 1.6 km, the Grand Canyon is a must-see attraction for a traveling student. Apart from seeing the canyon, there are several activities you can do in the park. Some of the more popular things you can do include:

  • Overnight backpacking below the rim;
  • Hiking or walking around the canyon;
  • Cycling on nearby roads;
  • Photography.

Likewise, you may opt for a guided tour around the park. You will experience the desert view, see the Tusayan Museum, and several other adventures. If you want to explore other aspects of the canyon, you may choose to ride a mule, take a raft trip on the Colorado River, or ride the Grand Canyon train.

Traveling to the Grand Canyon does not have to be during the holiday. You can make the trip on a weekend. However, buying research paper will help you travel without worrying about your academic work. This platform has writers who can deliver quality work within a short timeframe.

Niagara Falls

Niagara Falls is a natural waterfall located between Ontario and New York. This site is among the best locations to visit in America. Once there, there are three falls to explore, which are Horseshoe Falls, Bridal Veil Falls, and the American Falls. Similarly, you may partake in several park activities that will excite you and leave a lasting memory. If you are the outdoor type, you will want to hike into the Niagara Gorge. You may also see what remains of the Schoellkopf Power Plant. 

Alternatively, you can take the Mist tour boat tour to have an up-close look at the falls. At night, you may enjoy a wonderful dinner at the top of the falls restaurant.

Yellowstone National Park

The Yellowstone National Park is located in Wyoming. Established in 1872, this park is considered the first park in the world. It has several varieties of wildlife, which include mountain goats, white-tailed deer, lynx, black bears, and much more. Apart from animals, this location has a wealth of natural heating from the earth’s crust in the form of volcanic activity. When you travel to this location, you will find several thermal areas, which create hot springs and molten rock activity. Like most parks, you can also explore Yellowstone National Park using guided tours.

Washington Monument

If you find yourself in Washington DC, you will want to visit the Washington Monument. This monument is a tall structure that stands about 170 meters high. Made of granite and marble, this structure stands in memory of George Washington – the first American president. In addition, you may visit this site during the date or night. Inside the building, there is a statue of the former president, a small museum, and an elevator. You may use the elevator to explore the upper part of the monument.

Hawaii Volcanoes

The Hawaii Volcanoes are part of the Hawaiian national park. Located on Big Island, this park has lava tunes, calderas, craters, and two volcanoes that actively vent stream. This park has hosted Manua Loa the largest volcano globally, which is still active although harmless. The entire visit to this is an excellent experience, especially at night when hot lava oozes from the ground making for a spectacular view.


The US has some of the best travel destinations for students. Thus, you will want to explore different parts of the country while at school. This article highlights some of the best places to travel for a student.

About the Author

Michael Carr writes articles and essays while traveling. His content is the go-to writing for students. In addition, Michael regularly works with students across different institutions.

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