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6 Best Places You Should Visit In Bihar For Scriptural Vacations

Bihar stays as an underrated top vacationer put in India. Ironically Bihar was at one time the seat of a standout amongst the most prosperous old Indian realm and now it endures a lack of engagement with regards to legacy tourism in India. In the Sense many top places to visit Bihar. I concur that might have a decent measure of remote visitors swarming Bihar, however, said inferred they all have averted themselves to fewer places in this truly princely state.

In the event that you see, the historical backdrop of Bihar is accepted to have attaches back to the breaking first light of civic establishments in India, and afterward, the state flourished as the seat of superb realms like Magadh. It is likewise the express that gave two critical religions – Buddhism and Jainism to the world. Bihar in course of years created to a rich notable site with different cultures and conventions.

Today, what we witness is the flavorsome concentrates on the inheritance of various realms. What’s more, on the off chance that we make ourselves somewhat more movable and open to voyaging, we might have the capacity to investigate a critical diamond from the Indian money box. Traveling is a one-time solution for any kind of stressful situation you have in your life. Nothing can beat a good journey to a place like Bihar you do for refreshing out your soul and give that bling to your life.

Here is Bihar from the eye of a devoted explorer and for accommodation the rundown has been part into three areas with the goal that you don’t leave any stone unturned. Not doing any further ado, let us begin our journey into the historic land of Bihar:

1. Nalanda, Oldest University

Presumably the most seasoned college in India, Nalanda is an imperative site to visit in Bihar. An ideal think back to the season of prospering Gupta and Pala period, Nalanda is an acclaimed vacation destination in Bihar. That is trusted that the last and most renowned “Jain Tirthankara”, Mahavira burned through 14 storm seasons here.

Nalanda, Bihar                                                                 image source:-

Indeed, Buddha has said to have transmitted the addresses that are close to the mango forest in Nalanda. The popularity of this training focus was to a degree that “Hieun Tsang”, the well known Chinese explorer went by here and remained for at least two years here. Indeed, I-tsing another well known Chinese voyager remained at Nalanda for around 10 years, AND such was the wonder of this place.

Today most parts of Nalanda lie in ruins however the place is without a doubt worth investigating!

Some Of Major Attraction Place In Nalanda:-

  • Nalanda Archaeological Museum
  • Surajpur Baragaon
  • Rajgir Dance Festival
  • Nalanda Multimedia Museum

Connected Routes To Nalanda:-

Nearest Railway:- Gaya Railway Station (95 Km Away)
Nearest Airport:- Gaya Airport (113 Km Away)
Road:- Well Connected by all city

2. Gaya, Buddhism

Among the most popular places in Bihar is Gaya, which is a Hindu journey centre and a travel point for the Buddhist journey focus of Bodhgaya. It is believed that it was here under the tree that Buddha practised the illumination.

Gaya, Bihar
Gaya, Bihar

Gaya is a bustling city arranged on the bank of River Phalgu and which is packed with numerous sanctuaries and noteworthy destinations going back to various times that remain as the proof to the effective control of Maurya and Gupta administration here.

The brilliance of Gaya was broadened to such an extent that even Hiuen Tsang couldn’t avoid saying it in his travelogues.

Some of Major attraction Place In Gaya:-

  • Bodhgaya
  • Mahabodhi Temple
  • Bodhi Tree
  • Vishnupad Temple
  • Thai Temple and Monastery

Connected routes To Gaya:-

Nearest Railway:- Gaya Railway Station
Nearest Airport:- Gaya Airport
Road:- Well connected by Road

3. Munger, Yoga

Named as the seat of Bihar School of Yoga, Munger is yet somewhere else that is prevalent among the sightseers in Bihar. The historical backdrop of Munger goes back to Aryans, who called Munger the “Midland” for their settlement.

Munger, Bihar                                                               image source:

For yoga buffs, Munger isn’t an obscure name, therefore we can expect a huge outside group thronging this place. The present-day Munger is a twin city, which involves Munger and Jamalpur. Figured to be one of the most established urban areas of Bihar, Munger was previously the capital of Mir Kasim before it fell under the control of the British. The place has a few memorable relics that further add to the appeal here.

Some Of Major Attraction Place In Munger:-

  • Munger Fort
  • Kali Pahadi
  • Sita Kund
  • Kharagpur Lake
  • Chandika Astahan

Connected Routes To Munger:-

Nearest Railway:- Munger Railway Station
Nearest Airport:- Patna Airport (170 Km Away)
Road:- Well Connected by All Cities

4. Sita Marhi, Birth Place Of Sita

Evaluate to have been constructed 100 years prior, Janki sanctuary is arranged in Sitamarhi, Bihar. Sitamarhi is viewed as the origination of Sita, the partner of Lord Rama.

SitaMarhi, Bihar
SitaMarhi, Bihar                                                           image source:-

It is a trust that Janki Mandir is, where Sita was conceived and with a specific end goal to check that occasion, a sanctuary is built here. The sanctuary has an inviting entryway and huge yard that can oblige countless. Additionally, a lake adjacent called the Janki Kund is a position of enthusiasm for lovers and also vacationers.

Some Of Major Attraction Place In SitaMarhi:-

  • Sita Temple
  • Janki Kund
  • Panth-Pakar

Connected Routes To SitaMarhi:-

Nearest Railway:- Sitamarhi Railway Station
Nearest Airport:- Patna Airport (139 Km Away)
Road:- Well Connected by all Cities

5. Patna, Ancient City

Arranged on the southern bank of Ganga, Patna is the biggest city of Bihar. Otherwise called Patliputra in antiquated India, the city is likewise accepted to be one of the most established persistently possessed urban communities on the planet.

Patna, Bihar
Patna, Bihar

Patna is a journey for Sikh lovers as it is a figure to be the origination of last Sikh Guru, “Guru Gobind Singh”. The city thrived in the time of Haryanka, Nanda, Mauryan, Sunga, Gupta, and Pala earned distinction the whole way across India. The present Patna is a creating city, which is trying to coordinate to the modernization; shopping centres, top of the line inns and theatres have edited in the city.

Be that as it may, Patna needs to accelerate a bit to end up the piece of different cosmopolitans. Inside and out, Patna is a respectable goal, with a large portion of the cutting edge offices accessible.

Some Of Major Attraction Place In Patna:-

Patna Sahib,Bihar
Patna Sahib, Bihar                                                                 image source:-
  • Takht Sri Patna Sahib
  • Golghar
  • Buddha Smriti Park
  • Patna Museum
  • Agam Kuan

Connected Routes To Patna:-

Nearest Railway:- Patna Railway Station
Nearest Airport:- Patna Airport
Road:- Well connected by all cities

6. Rajgir, Scenic Place

Rajgir is only 15 km from Nalanda is found in the complex of sanctuaries and religious communities. It is a standout amongst the most visitor puts in India. The city is situated in a valley, Rajgir is a highly Scenic Place. Rajgir was the capital of the Magadh Mahajanpad (State) when Patliputra was not framed.

Rajgir, Bihar
Rajgir, Bihar                                                                               image

In nowadays it was called Rajgrih. Rajgir or Rajgrih implies the home of Royalty. That place is related to Lord Buddha and Buddhism. Lord Buddha was spent many years in the Rajgir city as well as transmitted the lessons here and transferred the head of Bimbisar at the Hill of Griddhakoota.

Some Of Major Attraction Place In Rajgir:-

  • Shanti Stupa
  • GhoraKatora Lake
  • Ajatshatru Fort
  • Cyclopean Wall
  • Sonbhandar Caves

Connected Routes To Rajgir:-

Nearest Railway:- Rajgir Railway Station
Nearest Airport:- Patna Airport (101 Km Away)
Road:- Well connected by all Cities

Cuisine Of Bihar, Try at least Once

Cuisine, Bihar
Cuisine, Bihar image source:-

The most imperative part of investigating an alternate state or nation is the chance to attempt totally unique cooking. Bihar is a place that is known for a physical solid individual, who is regularly observed working in their field or take up occupations of workmanship or carpentry that require a great deal of physical quality. Along with that lines, therefore the cooking of Bihar is settling in an approach to offer colossal quality and vitality to the general population while it additionally keeps up a not too bad taste for the sustenance sweethearts.

A section of the best things from the dish of Bihar can be

  • Litti Chokha
  • Dal Pitha
  • Kheer Makhana
  • Thekhua
  • Dal Puri
  • Parwal Ki Mithai
  • Chana Ghugni
  • Khaja

Festival Of Festivals In Bihar, Chhath Puja

Chhath is the celebration of celebrations in Bihar. Celebrated with much grandeur and show, Chhath is an ideal opportunity to witness an alternate side of Bihar.

Chhath Puja
Chhath Puja                                                                 image source:-

This 6 days celebration, in which Sun God is adored is the most vital piece of the Bihar’s way of life. Despite the fact that you should amid the celebration season, Bihar will turn out to be relatively out of reach with individuals from everywhere throughout the world coming to witness this party, you can even now endeavor to book your tickets to see an extremely glad and prosperous Bihar.

Bihar is really a sensational land which is sickly right now, however, our undertakings can influence this truly rich goal to accomplish another high. What’s more, for this we should simply to advance this state and keep ourselves open to all parts of voyaging.


Bihar is a place of beautiful Natural landscape, Gods and Goddesses serenic system, and lots of other traits.

So I hope this blog and information will help you to organize your trip and enjoy it without any stressful situation. Thank you for reading this and please share your experience with us.

So don’t waste time just by thinking of the vacation, but take a step towards your dream of exploring the best places to visit in Bihar, by booking your tickets to the city which is fully blessed with nature.

Safe journey!!!

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