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Peak Season in Air Travel – Everything You Need to Know

If you are wondering why airlines charge you with higher airfares and prices for other products and/or services? Or, why hotels don’t offer discounts during certain months, then you must understand that this is “peak season”. Yes, folks! This is that time of the year when you inevitably burn your pockets just to travel to your favourite destination, stay for a couple of days and have fun and enjoy. But, what really is a peak season and how does it affect you, as a traveller? Well, you will find it out here.

In this blog, we will take a look at what is peak season in air travel and how this travelling season affects both airline carriers and travellers.

What is Peak Season?

In air travel, peak season generally refers to that time of the year when travelling is at the busiest level and most expensive, too. Travellers flock to their desired destinations in large numbers during peak season, since it is also their holidays, for example, summer holidays.

It is during this time when not only airline carriers, but hotels too, increase prices for their products and services. Thus, you will often notice higher airfares and costly hotel stays during peak season than in off-peak season.

How is Peak Season Regarded in Different Regions of the World?

As you may know, peak season differs from one region to another. For instance, certain regions across the world may have the most number of tourist visits in summer season, commonly from months May till June.

On the other hand, certain regions across the globe may have the most number of tourist visits in winter season, i.e., from months November till February.

The reason for this difference is actually quite simple. First, it’s the geographical location of the region and its climate conditions that make the place suitable for visit during a particular time of the year.

Secondly, it’s the structural establishments, events, festivals, history, culture, landscapes, etc., that attract tourists from different parts of the world, and especially during a given time of the year, such as summer or winter. Thus, making the region a peak season visit for travellers.

So, if you are planning to visit gorgeous beaches or experience scuba diving, snorkelling, etc., then travelling to tropical and coastal regions during summer is ideal, but will be crowded as well. Such regions offer these specialities that are also felicitated by climate that make these places ideal for tourists.

Whereas, if you are planning to experience the best of snowfall, ice skiing, then visiting destinations with colder climate conditions is ideal, but again, these destinations will be crowded during the season.

In addition, airlines also benefit from this peak season by increasing prices and travellers would not hesitate to visit such destinations whatsoever.

Peak Season in Several Continents

Below we have included continents where peak season varies significantly from one city, state or country to another.


The African continent is vast and typically dry throughout the year. However, the peak season in this continent varies by region, as these have tourists flocking in large numbers in different months.

For instance, the eastern African region’s ideal peak season is from July to November. Similarly, the western African region’s peak season is from November to April. Then there is the northern African region having its ideal peak season from June to September and the southern African region has its ideal peak season from April through October.


If we talk about Asia, it is an enormous continent comprising several countries that offer rich culture, festivals, landscapes, popular tourist spots and more. Here as well, certain regions are frequented by and crowded with tourists from all over the world during peak season.

For example, many island countries throughout Asia, such as Japan, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Mauritius and several others flourish with tourism during April-September. In other words, this time of the year is the peak season for such regions.

Australia and New Zealand

Unlike other island countries throughout the world, countries such as Australia and New Zealand have peak season typically from December to February. This is their summer season and tourists visit these countries to enjoy the beaches, water surfing, snorkelling, scuba diving and more.

The Caribbean

The Caribbean islands in the Americas and west of the Atlantic Ocean mostly attract tourists during the months December till April. The islands experience tropical climate conditions at the end of the year and in the beginning months of the year as well. Thus, making them ideal for beach-goers and sea lovers.


Europe is another vast continent which comprises several countries, each offering their own ideal peak season for travellers to visit and explore their places. Most countries have June to August as their peak season and an ideal time to visit.


The island of Hawaii in the Pacific Ocean and under the United States administration, is a great region to visit and explore, particularly in months June to August. This is the peak season and is usually summer here.

North America

Countries in northern America are generally frequent both by national and foreign travellers in the summer months of June till August. So, many tourist spots in such countries are seen crowded with hundreds and thousands of visitors from across the world.

South America

South America also offers a plethora of tourist attractions that are accessible by air travel. So, visitors in large numbers visit and explore places, especially in the months July to November. These months are the peak season, if you are planning a sightseeing trip, for example, to Machu Picchu, the Inca Trail and the Galapagos, to name a few.


Airline carriers have very busy schedules for their flights from and to different regions across the world during peak season. Also, if you are travelling to a city during a peak season, well, do not be surprised by the crowds of people, since that particular city is best visited during that time of the year.

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